
Professioinally I enjoy building seamless and delightful user experiences via full stack TypeScript web applications. With experience working on code bases of every size from small startups to one of the largest. Improving reliability and stability, while delivering incremental value.


  • Senior Software Engineer @ CLEAR

    On web platform team, working on the next generation of web experience for CLEAR members.

    • June 2023
  • Frontend Engineer II @ Amazon Web Services

    Worked on the AWS Secrets Manager team, building out the AWS Secrets Manager console.

    • May 2022 - April 2023
  • Senior Software Engineer @ Hired

    Primarily worked on the candidate experience team, building out the candidate experience side on Hired marketplace.

    • May 2020 - May 2022
  • Software Engineer @ WinIt

    Rebuilt the web app, backend, and services that helps users fight their tickets.

    • July 2018 - May 2020


  • My starter template for fullstack apps. It is a monorepo for personal projects with multiple applications and packages

  • News Page

    My first go at a Sveltekit fullstack app. It is a project that caches the latest news from Bing News API and serves it as an ad-free home page for anyone. Built with svelte kit and AWS Lambda. No longer running due to news API costs.

  • next-auth-prisma-pg-apollo-typescript

    A simple starter kit made with: Next.js + next-auth + Prisma + PostgreSQL + Apollo Server + Apollo Client + Tailwind CSS

  • A fullstack portfolio site I made in 2020 using Gatsby, TypeScript, and more.

  • hundred-line-halo-image-stats

    A code challenge that was part of a job interview. All I had to do was build something in under 100 lines. I chose to build an API that serves a dynamically generated image containing users Halo multiplayer stats. You can pass in any gamertag in the query param and response is an image with that gamers stats.

  • My first ever portfolio website from 2018 bootstrapped using Create React App.


  • NodeJS
  • TypeScript
  • NextJS
  • React
  • TailwindCSS
  • Styled Components
  • Cypress
  • Jest
  • React Testing Library
  • Emotion
  • tRPC
  • GraphQL
  • TurboRepo
  • Docker
  • Playwright
  • Drizzle
  • Redis
  • DynamoDB
  • Prisma
  • SQLite
  • MongoDB
  • PostgreSQL
  • SvelteKit
  • Svelte
“I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.” ― Thomas A. Edison